Lucky Threes

Lucky Threes
Lucky six results from 27 January 2018

Current Jackpot:


Weekly Result:

3 winners

Hit the bar:

William Russell Jones and Lee Valentine

Next Jackpot:


Next Fixture dates:

03 February 2018

Main Contact

The Lucky Threes competition is vital for keeping our football club running smoothly, as it provides a steady stream of funds each week. Nicky Jones has been the driving force behind organising and managing all aspects of Lucky Threes for many years, and we're incredibly thankful for his hard work.

How It Works

In Lucky Threes, participants try to predict the correct outcomes (X=draw, 1=home win, 2=away win) for three selected games. If you get all three results right, you win the jackpot. If multiple people predict correctly, the jackpot is shared. The jackpot is capped at £500, with a new one starting to build up weekly once the cap is hit.

How to Participate

If you'd like to sell Lucky Threes tickets, you can pick up a sheet from the Cefn Mawr Community Social Club (Cefn Club), get one from Nicky Jones.

Thanks for Your Support

A big thanks to all the regular Lucky Threes ticket sellers and everyone who plays each week. Your support is crucial for our football club.

Well done, everyone—let’s keep it going!

Last Jackpot Winner(s)

The lucky sixes was last won by Matt Lewis on 14 May 2016. The jackpot won was £100.